Screen Printed Wool Floral Scarf from India 'Cerulean Flowers' Item ID: 2669925073


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Reviews forThis Artist
I like the 3D effect
What I mean by 3D effect is that the artist took time to make pop-up details around the flowers with a thicker treat which brings this shawl to a next level. Also, it was a fantastic idea to make a light undertone. It has bright colors like red, pink, etc but it doesn't yell "attention". On the other hand, it does catch the eye. Well made & color combination is great
Lovely, elegant shawl
The design is understated yet also eye-catching. A beautiful addition to my shawl collection and a pleasure to wear at home or when out for an evening.
Absolutely gorgeous
Very classy and elegant. I look forward to wearing it!

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Arnab Roy

Arnab Roy

"I'm from Kolkata, India's City of Joy. I was born on a very special day, December 25, 1972, in a middle class Bengali family. Friends describe me as trustworthy, creative and a perfectionist.

"As a child, I saw my grandma and my mother creating fine artistic designs based on different fabrics or with household tidbits, which they transformed into masterpieces. These led to my interest in arts and crafts.

"I eventually took a job in an export company, but later decided to something of my own in the field of handicrafts. Initially, my hereditary instinct and, later, studying helped me follow my dreams.

"Quitting the job and starting a first generation business was a tough call. It was one of the most difficult moments in my life. Although I am not a big producer, I'm happy that I have my own workshop and a team of competent textile artisans who collaborate with me.

"With keen alertness, attention and patience, I observe and, being a creative person, I then implement that particular idea in my designs.

"I use eco-friendly and natural fibers. They are easily found and affordable. The challenge is always to create new ideas and designs every time and, again, to remain one step ahead from others. I get inspiration from the marvels of nature all around and from my surroundings.

"I prepare the designs and then show to my mother and wife to have their views and guidance, and they advise and give tips for betterment in some occasions. As my wife is a textile designer, her ideas help me a lot. I myself take care of the design exposure as well as the color concept.

"In my workshop, we create a varied range of apparel and accessories made from silk, cotton, wool, linen and viscose. The features are only indicative. They are completely customized in terms of color, shape, size, and fiber combinations for each design. Our collection includes shawls, scarves, stoles, bedspreads and ponchos for fashion conscious girls and women.

"I guide and teach my team members wherever required. Working with me, people get recognition, stability, and a source of income to look after their family and children."