"Dionisio Rojas finds inspiration in the customs of the Puno region, depicting a nativity scene in a boat made from bulrushes. Mary and Joseph proudly present little Jesus as they travel in a traditional caballito de totora - a reed canoe. The Peruvian artisan celebrates Christmas with this beautiful ceramic figurine, crafted and painted by hand."
Learn how our parent company, NOVICA, has earned millions of loyal customers since 1999 while creating legacy relationships with National Geographic, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Kiva, the International Trade Centre (WTO and United Nations), and so many other others.
Learn how our parent company, NOVICA, has earned millions of loyal customers since 1999 while creating legacy relationships with National Geographic, Smithsonian Folklife Festival, Kiva, the International Trade Centre (WTO and United Nations), and so many other others.