"This heavenly pot-shaped box is not just a fabulous decorative accent but it is also practical as it can be used for storing trinkets. Crafted from weeping willow wood and covered with papier mache, it features mesmerizing hand-painted floral motifs in orange enhanced with gold accents that add a touch of elegance and shimmer. Designed by India's Mohammad Hussain Baba, it is finished with a lacquer coating for protection and a lovely glossy finish."
An elected body of artists and cultural stakeholders from around the world, including the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, represents the interests of our seller community, safeguards our mission and shapes the experience of the Handmade.com marketplace.
An elected body of artists and cultural stakeholders from around the world, including the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, represents the interests of our seller community, safeguards our mission and shapes the experience of the Handmade.com marketplace.